Monday, December 17, 2007

Presenting the 11 Contestants for the Best Photo/Adoption Story Contest

As you probably can see I have added 11 adoption stories, most with a picutre. These eleven beautiful dogs are our contestants for the Best Photo/Adoption Story Contest. Please when you get a chance vote for one of these great dogs. Tell your friends so they can vote too. Some of these stories really will bring a smile to your face or maybe a tear to your eye but they are all really great.

The voting will be open until the 15th of January. The winner will receive a 100 dollar gift certificate to so they can pick up all of the things that they wanted for the holidays but didn't manage to get.

Do you have a dog that you think has a great photo and/or adoption story? If so let me know at and you will be entered the next time we do one of these contests.


Chelsea + Shiloh said...

Not sure how to Vote, but I think Georgia's story & photo are best..

how hard to pick they are all gorgeous dogs and owners

Lucy The Great Dane said...

Yes, all of the dogs are beautiful and the stories are all very touching. To vote just go to the right hand navigation and click on the bubble next to the dogs name that you want to vote for.