Sunday, December 16, 2007


In May of 2006, we purchased (yes, purchased) our first puppy online
from a puppy mill. They shipped him to us, he arrived at the airport, and our
lives were changed forever. Herschel, our little Schnauzer mix
(Schnoodle to the less scrupulous), has taught us so much about canines, from
behavior and nutrition to breeding ethics and therapy. In fact, just over a
year after Herschel flew to us, we adopted Nala from the MidWest Border
Collie Rescue (MWBCR). During that year, I worked with several rescues (and
even fostered a cat-killing MinPin) while searching for our next forever
dog. I have fancied Border Collies for so long and I worked with the MWBCR for
the better part of a year trying to find the right one for our family.
Believe me, every person in that organization knows my name whether they've met
me or not. They've put me through heartache and also given me tears of

So, introducing Nala. (See attached photo) She came from kill shelter
in Oklahoma with 4 sisters. 2 of them had parvo, all of them had several
types of worms, coccidia, and were malnourished. After some TLC at her
foster home we picked her up on June 19th (who knew Iowa could be so pretty).

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