This is a somewhat unrealted post. You know I never understood everyday folks like me blogging. I mean what is the point. Since I have started blogging I understand it a lot better. It is a lot more fun than I realized.
Why do you blog?
Lucy is a rescued fawn Great Dane who lives a full life with her human's, Michelle and Hans and her four legged sister, Kona, a crazy Chocolate Lab. This is her story. Plus because we feel like it we have a few videos and dog news stories too.
We blog because we love it and it's fun!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
hi lucy,
my english is horrible, but i just want to salute you
i see you soon
Your english is far better than my spanish. I have been officially banned from speaking the language in public it is so bad.
That and I am prohibited from every doing karokee again.
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